In 2014, OSHA changes required users in an aerial lift to use either a Fall Arrest or Fall Restraint system.
- Fall Arrest System must not allow worker to free fall more than six feet or contact a lower level.
- Fall Restraint System (ideal for Linemen working on power lines) must keep worker from falling any distance whatsoever.
Learn more about the OSHA Bucket Truck changes here in this video (embed so user can watch right on the page) or in this brief Buckingham Alert that includes potential products to help those get into OSHA compliance. OSHA also provides a very useful “Quick Tips” document on aerial lifts. If you or your company needs training on rescue in aerial lifts, Buckingham has a helpful video here.
If you are an Arborist, OSHA updated standards and required a Fall Arrest or Travel Restraint System as of January 17th, 2017. We quickly developed two products to help users get into compliance – the OSHA Harness-Lanyard Combo for Fall Arrest or the BuckIt Restraint System for Travel Restraint.